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NEW And need some advice


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I got my cochlear implate going  on 4 weeks now  everything is fine been on slot of antibiotics to pervent any infection my dr holte gave me from sharp my sugary area is healing good . Out of no where I’m getting bad headache tension muscle my surgeron doctor said  he don’t think it’s meningitis I have no signs of infection and been on 3 different types antibiotics  so it’s going on day 4 getting bad tension headache on my right side ear even with the implate device off still get it and my forehead and back of head. Is this normal after getting the implate it’s not loud and I did change the manic to 3it was 5 and it was making my implate area sore but that’s doing a lil better now .just got bad headache iv always had tinnitus and get headache from that but this is been going on 4 days tension all over my head felt sick too like throwing up but didn’t  pls help need advice should I go get blood work down or what to do or who to see 

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  • HearPeers Heroes


I am so sorry to read about your problem.  I would return to my CI surgeon for guidance. I hope you feel better soon.


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I did I wrote him he said he don’t think it’s meningitis could be muscle tension headache I message him if he can see me and also my Primary still waiting for them to get back to me 


is a tension headache or headache a side effects and if it was meningitis it would be fever and stiff neck wouldn’t be able to move iv heard and it’s very rare to get  from the sugary my sugaron said. Hmmm any advice or 

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I developed an infection after surgery that required me to go on antibiotics. It wasn’t meningitis but was a fairly resistant infection. I also had a stitch pop out that didn’t dissolve for about 4 months. Hopefully you will be able to see your surgeon again for his/her opinion. I made the mistake of originally going to both the emergency department and a clinic who both didn’t take me seriously. It wasn’t until I returned to my surgeon that the infection was properly identified and I was started on the proper antibiotics.

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That’s really good u got to see ur surgeon and he gave u the right antibiotics to clear the infection 


yes it it would be nice if he gets me in to see him still waiting for him to right me back saw him the 8 and I Finished all my anabiotic’s I had two different kinds and he said the surgery area looks really good it’s healing good no infection

so now not sure why I’m getting bad headache like tension 4 days straight sucks  :( 

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