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Old Brain Learning New Tricks

Ruth D.

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Hi,  I  was implanted with a Med EL  Rondo 2 device on August 23rd and activated on September 16th. I'm an 86 year old grandmother who has had a binaural  sensory neural hearing loss for more than 40 years.  I decided on a CI implant when my  hearing loss became so bad my coping abilities caused major auditory fatigue, which left me exhausted at the end of every day.  I'm enjoying using the Rondo 2.  It's easy to wear and charge.  Although I'm brand new to this experience, I'm pleased I can already hear my own voice and some of the ambient sounds around me.

 I would like to see Med El reduce the packaging the device comes in.   The boxes are heavy and much too large to carry easily.  In this age of global warming, it would be  good to redesign the interior of the boxes,  eliminate a lot of unnecessary cardboard and, hopefully,  shrink the size of the boxes.   Let me know if you feel like I do about this.




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Hi Ruth, welcome to the Rondo 2 club. I was implanted on August 21st and activated on September 16th, dates are almost the same :) 

I agree the box is too over sized for such tiny device. Although I noticed the Climate Partner logo on the back of it. I take climate change seriously so thought it was so nice of Med-El to act responsible for environment. Still, they can adjust box dimensions to make it handier. I'm on your side. 

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I will look for that  logo, Evren.  I'm glad you are on my side.

How are you doing with your implant?  I find it a fascinating experience. 

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I had plenty of "wow moments" since activation and I find myself discovering more sounds on my daily routines. Truly fascinating indeed. Normally I use hearing aid on my other ear and I have decent hearing on that side too. But I'm starting to warm up to the idea of wearing just Rondo 2. Can't really wait for 2nd mapping appointment which is 2.5 weeks ahead.

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Hi Gang,

I’m also new to the Rondo 2 experience. I was activated on the 24th and heard high pitch sounds that I hadn’t heard in 50 years. So while I can’t understand conversation yet, I am working on getting used to volume and practicing on drills every day.

I was also a little disappointed with the packaging of my Rondo 2. From my attending MEd-El Mingle groups I anticipated getting what looked like luggage or a suitcase to hold all my equipment. Imagine my surprise when I was given a large carry all bag containing two oversized boxes and two small black cases. This was ju.st for the Rondo 2 as my Sonnet 2 hasn’t come in yet, but am told it will be in similar packaging.

Are the suitcases still available? If not I’ll be buying some clear plastic boxes that I can label and store in a suitcase I will select.



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  • HearPeers Heroes

@Don Doherty

This is what I use at home to keep everything organized.

Another CI user told me about it and it works great.


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