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Med-El US/Canada is having a free virtual meeting

Mary Beth

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  • HearPeers Heroes

It is free but we need to register.  It will be captioned.  I registered.

Here is the info:


You are invited to a virtual HEARPEERS meeting.

During this hour long webinar our MEDEL experts will be discussing listening practice and strategies to help during this time of facial coverings and masks. Many cochlear implant recipients rely on lip reading to help them understand speech and therefore may feel discouraged with their speech understanding during this time. However, there are programs and strategies that you can use to help you and I hope you are able to attend the virtual meeting.

Two dates are provided for your convenience, please note that the same topic will be discussed on each day, so you will only need to register once.

Upon registration, you will receive a separate email that will give you details about how to log on to the meeting.


If you happen to fall in the waitlist for a meeting time, you will receive an email from our events team once space has opened up to register you for the event.



You can register by clicking the link below.

July 8th – HearPeers Virtual Meet Up 5pm CST, 6pm EST

July 9th – HearPeers Virtual Meet Up 6pm PST, 7pm MST


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  • HearPeers Heroes

Registered for the 8th, thanks! Hopefully I'm back from my pre-op by then (should be).

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  • HearPeers Heroes

I’m registered for the 8th! 😁 are you attending @Mary Beth?

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I am SO excited to meet all of your amazing people!

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