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Back to noise and groups after 18 months at home

Mary Beth

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How has the adjustment been for you after spending so many months at home?  Many of us have not listened in noise nor listened in large groups for well over a year.

How is it going?

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@Mary Beth living in a large senior community I listened in noise even during the pandemic, although not to the extent I am now that much has reopened. Prior to the pandemic, my most difficult listening situation was the large dining room. However, I’ve been surprised to notice that I’m not having as difficult time in there now.  I haven’t any explanation other than I think I’ve become better at zeroing in on the conversation around my own table. The largest group I’ve dined with has been a round table of 7 and I did very well. Guess I’d have to say I really haven’t had to make any significant adjustments. For the most part, I just continue to listen, hear, and understand…and am so very grateful to be able to do so!!😊

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Do you think the long online research study of listening in noise helped you?

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@Mary Beth yes, I do. I felt my ability to listen in noise was notably improved by participating in that study. I was glad to have done it.

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I’m going the opposite direction. My employer just asked me to work from home and I’m about to receive a cochlear implant. I will begin my rehab in a relatively quiet environment with just my puppy, my wife and myself. My wife goes to the office three days a week, so for Tuesday thru Thursday I’m on my own. 

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@Eric in Tulsa

chevk out our rehab section for lots of apps, websites etc you can use independently to train your brain after activation 

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I will probably have to ask you where that is again once that day comes. It’s still a long way off. 

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  • HearPeers Heroes


Loys of noisy talkative groups this week.  Going well.  But a bit tiring after having spent so long safer at home. 

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@Mary Beth Glad you’re doing well in that noisy environment. A complete opposite of the very quiet environment you’ve been in the past year and a half! Certainly understandable it is a bit tiring, especially since it was such a drastic change in listening. You will welcome the quiet when you get back home!😊

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