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I was implanted 4 days ago. Pretty much everything is good but I do question a few things. 

First, everything I am eating tastes the same and burns at the back of my throat. Secondly, I have a continual pulsing sound in my head. Never goes away and it’s driving me mad. 

Thank you for helping me to understand this. 

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Hi @DarlaHS


Are you able to contact your CI team and share your concerns with them?


Taste disturbances after CI surgery are quite common.  They tend to resolve over time.


I hope you feel better soon.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

I had taste issues after surgery. Almost two years after it, It seems that the flavors of metal have been reduced and of taste salt begin to normalize.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

@DarlaHS - as Valentin and Mary Beth noted, taste issues are common.  I didn't have that problem but I did have increased tinnitus (the sounds you're hearing).  It subsided after a while to my normal levels (I've had ringing in my ears since I was a teenager).  Right after surgery I did get a few other sounds too - those are the ones that went away.

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Like you, it hasn't quite been a week for me yet, but I got that right away, too!  Honestly, with all the side effects or things that linger from that area being tinkered with, I was so glad there was no pulsing, dizziness, tinnitus, headaches, what have you.  Instead, the very first night, the dry mouth/fuzziness/anesthesia after-taste was horrible.  It's mostly worn off, but annoying that food still doesn't taste as good as I know it should (almost metallic).   Hopefully will pass, like yours.

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The taste issues are a little better. There are some things that taste better than before.  Metallic taste for me also. 

I never experienced tinnitus until after surgery. My doctor says to continue with the Meclizine as that helps with both dizziness and tinnitus.  I am also using antibiotic ear drops until bloody oozing stops. 

I feel great and doctor says everything looks great! Next stop on my new journey is activation on 9/24

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@Mary Featherston i also have had some interesting new sounds off and on since this surgery that I never had ..tinnitus is quite a phenomenon!

and a little of that metallic taste also

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Yes tinnitus can take the form of many sounds. For me I get the air plane engines or the ocean. Occasionally music sounds or bells. This I saw usually only after I take the CIs off. Otherwise I have no tinnitus. 

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18 hours ago, DarlaHS said:

The taste issues are a little better. There are some things that taste better than before.  Metallic taste for me also. 

I never experienced tinnitus until after surgery. My doctor says to continue with the Meclizine as that helps with both dizziness and tinnitus.  I am also using antibiotic ear drops until bloody oozing stops. 

I feel great and doctor says everything looks great! Next stop on my new journey is activation on 9/24

Yup, I hear ya... it kinda sucks, still not having things taste as good, or the metallic after-tone, huh?  It's almost even like a salty/fuzzy-tongue feel.  Thankfully, that's really the only effect, not counting still being careful to the sensitivity of my neck/side of head on that side and letting it heal over.  And the frustrating muffled-ness I described in a different thread.  I feel kind of like a ridiculous dense 'newcomer' to some things, despite being hard-of-hearing my whole life... with my current condition of muffled volume, I've always been used to tackling communication blips mostly on my own, with lip-reading, polite repetitions, polite apology/explanations, relying on other people, filling-in-the-clue/context with however much of the sentence you do pick up, etc etc, and as a last resort, sometimes just asking my customer or whatever to write down what they want from me.  Then I see you guys talking about speech-to-text apps and whatnot, and wonder why I never picked up help from the techy stuff I love, or felt... awkward?... embracing all those 'hearing strategies' I see headlines about rather than what's familiar, and feeling a bit 'Oi... but there's so dang many of those things out there, what do I even get?!'  Lol!  I know that's my next step... checking out what's useful or what I like as far as apps go, and finding the threads for that stuff on here (both rehab, and everyday, such as getting voicemail to text instead of relying on my mom to listen), and not worry so much about getting it 'right' or being clueless... ha!    :)

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Start by checking out InnoCaption for your phone

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Yup!  That was the first/main one on my radar from you guys, actually... along with AngelSounds!  That, and the live text-to-speech things.  No idea why I never bothered with these before... oh well, not to keep poking myself about it.  Like I said, usually just fell back on letting mom listen to the trickier voicemails, avoiding phone chats pretty much completely (ok, so I tried ClearCaption once, I admit... not sure why quit, I think I found it awkward), and using less-techy haphazard ways for in-person.  We'll see!

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  • HearPeers Heroes

@Emily C.

InnoCaption will give you free captioned voicemail and caption calls for free.


iAngelSounds is an aural rehab app that is helpful after activation 

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