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Surround sound with TV issue


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I have been complaining about hearing dual voices when I watch TV and the audio looks at me dumb founded.

I did so test with my TV.

When I switch my Stereo system to MONO... all is OK.

When I switch on Dolby Stereo or Dolby Movie Surround Sound, I get that second voice, which is very mechanical/robot voice.

If anyone has had this, did you get it fix and how. Cuz my audio is out for lunch on this.


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  • HearPeers Heroes


Remind me.....one Sonnet?

Using the Sonnet in M setting?

Using any streaming tech like Roger Pen or BT neckloop?

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  • HearPeers Heroes


I searched Dolby tv echo effect online and there are a lot of posts explaining possible fixes.

Maybe one of them will work for you.

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@Mary Beth

I don't get echo effect with my normal ear and my wife does not hear it... only when I am using the CI by itself and I don't use the Roger Pen

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  • HearPeers Heroes


Do you have programs saved in program slots on your Sonnet that are different mic settings?

-program with omni mic setting

-program with natural mic setting 

-program with adaptive mic setting

If you do, test whether the echo happens with the various mic settings.

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First of all you have the actual tv volume off? Just listening to the Stereo system? If running both, there can be a slight delay from one to the other...

I imagine you are running 5.1 or more. Has the system ever been calibrated properly? Dialogue usually comes from the center speaker and it’s usually recommended to boost 2 dB or so.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

This is going to be an interesting topic to follow!  We don’t have such high tech speaker systems.  Interesting 

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@mary beth

the stereo system is an Onkyo 7.2 surround sound.

I tested all 3 programs and they all do the same thing. When its in MONO.. the speaking I am hearing is as normal to me as it can get. But as soon as a switch over to any of the surround features, the normal speaking is there but I also have a mechanic speaking sound of the same person at the same time.

When I am on my laptop using the speakers and listening to youtube or Angle software, all is good. (there is only 1 speaker and it's in front of me)

I believe it got to do with multiple speakers generating the same sound but in different angle for the CI to comprehend.

My audi stated that TV sounds can be an issue to CI, the sound is regenerated via technology, as opposed to natural sound. But Medel should have this as a non issue and I am betting my Audi is not up to par with this.


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  • HearPeers Heroes


This is an interesting problem.  (Probably more frustrating to you than interesting... smile)

I have been in many situations with multiple speakers with all of my processors (OPUS 2, RONDO 1 and Sonnet).  Some of those settings were family/friends’ homes with surround sound.  Other settings were theaters, auditoriums, arenas, etc.

I have never experienced an echo effect nor a combination of high quality speech with inferior quality speech.

I believe this is really happening to you and wish I had a suggestion for a possible fix.

Any chance you can listen to surround sound from a TV at a friend/family member’s house to see if it happens to you with all surround sound systems or just your set up?

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@mary beth

went to the cinema last week... does the same thing as at home... I hear the voice (normal) and there is a secondary sounding mechanical. NOT an echo at the same time.

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  • HearPeers Heroes


Ths is so interesting.  It only happens when you are in a place with multiple speakers?

You use one CI and one HA right?

Are you able to turn off your HA and keep it in your ear like a plug, listen with only your CI and see if you still hear the layered speech?

Early on in my CI journey, I experienced that with all speech.  I described it as if the person’s natural voice was starting to emerge but the robotic voice was still there too.  In time these two voices started to peel away from each other with the natural voice getting louder and the robotic voice getting quieter.  Then the robotic voice disappeared completely and the natural voice remained.  This was early in my learning to listen with a CI journey. 


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@mary beth

I only hear it when I have the CI only. I think my HA becomes master when I have them both in.

I kind of have what you had. BUT..  in a surround sound environment they are both predominant... in a normal conversation it's not there... in a mono speaker listening it's not there.

I have CI since Sept 2017... maybe I am still in learning mod but 2 voices at the same time.. gotta be something else.

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  • HearPeers Heroes


Is it possible for you to test a different processor and see if it happens with that processor too?

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  • HearPeers Heroes


You had your Sonnet switched out right for other problems?  Had this same thing happened with the other Sonnet processor too?

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@mary beth

I really don't know... I was in a learning curve.. plus the original processor was not working right... any sound from the TV was robotic for a while until I started recognizing voices and then the processor went wonkie

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  • HearPeers Heroes


It is like automobiles.  It is so difficult to get answers when the problem we report is intermittent.  

I will keep an eye out for anyone else commenting on something similar.  You are the first person I have heard this from.

I wish I could be of some help.

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@mary beth

Talked to audio... the good news.. the processor not the issue... cuz when I am listening to normal speech it's not there.

It's the mechanical noise that my brain and ear have to adjust to that sound.

Medel research in Germany should be on top of this. Mechanical noise has been with us as long as CI.

So, I wait and see if I adjust.

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@mary beth


I did more testing last night and today.

The louder the volume on the TV, the mechanical voice slowly disappears.

It is way to loud for people with normal ears to listen to the TV. I also only have the CI on.

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  • HearPeers Heroes


I am wondering if you may prefer using some assistive tech so you just hear better when watching TV and don’t have the unpleasant combo sound?

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