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Dave in Pittsburgh

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just curious if you have the FM covers and Roger do you still use the FM .

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@Dave in Pittsburgh

Are you asking if people find the Roger Pen or Roger Select transmitters useful?

Newer kits came with the Roger 21 integrated battery door receiver.  Older kits came with the FM battery cover and three prong Roger X (02) silver receiver.  Still older kits came with the FM battery cover and DAI input cables.

Things sure do change quickly!

I have access to Roger transmitters and receivers.  I do not use them at all.  Roger is terrific for speech in noise and speech over distance.  But I actually hear fine with just my processors in noise and over distance so I do not use Roger.  Roger and Med-El processors make it complicated to get 100/0 mixing ratios without using the Roger MyLink neckloop receiver and being in T.  Roger technology has very limited BT functionality (ONLY for phone calls).  

When I stream audio from my phone or iPad for audiobooks, aural rehab apps, etc, I use my Artone 3 MAX BT neckloop and set my processors on T.  It is much more convenient for me.

I have been anxiously awaiting the intermediary device for streaming to the Sonnets called AUDIOLINK.  Hopefully soon.  Now that will be a game changer.  Smile.  Hopefully it has a long battery life and allows 100/0 mixing ratios!  Fingers crossed!

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Yes!  The Artone 3MAXBT neckloop is terrific with aural rehab apps.

What do you use with aural rehab apps?

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@Mary Beth

I just use the Sonnet and Rondo 2 with the aural rehab apps. For the concatenated one I use the Artone though. 

I didn't realise that I should have been using the Artone with all the apps. 

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There is no correct way to listen to the aural rehab apps.  I love the convenience of using the Artone to train my brain.  Processors on T.  All other sounds blocked out.  Time for my brain to focus and learn. 😊 

Lets me train anywhere.  Family members watching TV. No problem!


I also trained without the Artone using other things....not the apps.

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