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Being active and sweating


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I was thinking about how I can be a bit sweaty while being active. Like when hiking or backpacking. With hearing aids, I usually let them flop off the ear instead of behind the ear to keep the sweat away. How do you keep the processor happy while sweating? If it does get drenched in sweat, if you dry it out, will it work again?

Also, while being active, how do you make sure the processor stays on your head? I've lost a few sunglasses to Davy Jones' locker. While working on the deck, I'd bend over to do something and with a sudden wake of a passing boat, I'd feel with sheer horror my sunglasses falling off and bouncing to the deep blue sea. I've since learned and got retention straps for the sunglasses and haven't lost one since.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Hi @Watersail - If you get a BTE processor like Sonnet you may want to get something that will absorb the sweat.  Last summer I just bought a handful of bandannas and would roll one up and tie it around my head.  I rolled it so that the processor could slip between the folds.  It worked well, both because the cotton absorbed sweat but also because it's nice to get the processor off the ear for a bit.  You can also buy headbands that hold them on.  Or just wear a ballcap.

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  • HearPeers Heroes


I can not recall if you are getting a Sonnet or a Rondo 2 or one of each if you are at a two processor center.

Sweat and keeping the processors on our heads.....we have options.

The Rondo 2 has security lines that clip in hair or on a shirt.  It can also be secured with the Med-El Sports band that has built in pockets.  The Rondo 2 can also be secured with EarGear Rondo covers with tether and clip.

I have Rondo 1 processors and wear them in their waterwear covers, then in EarGear covers with tether and clipped to my swimsuit all under a NammuCap while in the ocean and it works fabulously and things sound terrific!

Sonnet can use the activity hook.  Some people use a mic lock type of security that can be purchased online and they ship internationally.  Some people get similar mic lock security items from their CI audiologist.



Med-El sells Huggie security options for Sonnets but it is bulkier than the mic lock option above.


Sonnet has an activity clip option too.  And there are many security lines with clips available online.  Some people use wig tape to secure the Sonnet behind their ears.


Sweat.....Rondo 2 and Sonnet are water resistant but not waterproof unless they are in waterwear covers.

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@Mary Featherston 

Great ideas! Bandanas sounds like a good idea for when I go on hikes, I'll have to play with the rolling to see what works best. I wasn't sure if a ballcap would sufficiently hold them on. But now I know. Thanks!


@Mary Beth

I would like two processors, and have one as a backup. I heard rumors my center is a 1-processor center. But I've sent the question to find out more. If i only get one, then I'll probably opt for the Sonnet, otherwise one of each. The MicLock looks interesting. Thank you for all the ideas!



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  • HearPeers Heroes

@Watersail to be clear, I haven't tried a ballcap but have heard of others using it.  It's worth trying.  With the bandanna, what I do is fold it corner to corner so I have a triangle.  Then fold that again lengthwise, and then once more and it should be about an inch and a quarter to an inch and a half wide at that point.  Tie is on your head so the open edge of folds faces up, and then you can just slip your Sonnet into the fold and position the magnet under the bandana.  Works great, and the multiple folds keep the moisture at bay.

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@Mary Featherson

Oh, I see what you mean. Thank you for the detailed instructions. I'll try that out. Thank you!

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  • 1 month later...

Or you can go online to Ear Gear. They make little things made of cloth that you can put your processor inside the pocket. They have different colours and styles depending what type of processor you are wearing. They make and shipped from British Columbia, Canada. It is worth it. It is washable.



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  • HearPeers Heroes

I love EarGear too @Lori.  I use EarGear Rondo 1 covers with tether and clip when in and around water.  They work great!

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  • 3 years later...

I used to have trouble with sweat fouling the microphone.  In addition to the bandana trick. I also sacrificed a T-shirt to cut off the bottom hem, to create a small cloth tube that I wore around the implant microhone part.

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