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Music with CIs

Mary Beth

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  • HearPeers Heroes

I have been intrigued by posts about music and cochlear implants recently.  People talk about enjoying music in spite of the limitations of listening with their CIs.  

My experience with listening to music with my CIs is so different.  I enjoy music because of the listening my CIs have returned to me.  Music sounds awesome and I listen to music every day.  All kinds of music.  In all different settings.


What is your experience with listening to music with your CI?  Are you enjoying music in spite of your CI or are you enjoying music because of your CI?  Which processor are you using?

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Great topic!

I enjoy music in the real world very well, but this is with 1 CI and 1 'normal' ear.

However when I am listening plugged in to my CI it is still musical but strange sounding and I can't always pick the instruments or exact melody, though this is definitely improving. I have an impression of what I'm hearing but not all the details. I am now 9 months in.

I am currently focusing on the music sections of the angel sounds training as I am keen to improve this area.

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  • HearPeers Heroes


Tge app Auralia Pitch Comparison helped me progress with music.  I think it costs 2 or 3 US dollars.  Well worth it.

Enjoy your music journey.  I am happy things are progressing so well for you.

I am curious whether you still prefer people to speak on your acoustic side or if sides no longer matter to you for speech?

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  • HearPeers Heroes

@Mary Beth

Thanks for the recommendation.

For speech it doesn't really matter, even in crowds I can usually hear all around me pretty well. It's so good!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • HearPeers Heroes

Today I was listening to music while driving home from work.  My car has a USB port in the console so I can load it up with lots of mp3 tracks and run it on random.  Today I got a track that I haven't heard in a while - Hugh Laurie playing piano and singing "St. James Infirmary".  The piano sounded great - such depth to the tones.

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  • 3 months later...
On 2/13/2020 at 11:04 AM, Kylie said:

However when I am listening plugged in to my CI

Hello @Kylie what do you mean by this? Thanks

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  • HearPeers Heroes


I mean when I am doing music listening for practice I need to plug in with cable or artone (Bluetooth) to avoid my hearing ear. That's when I can hear solely CI interpreted music.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

I enjoy music because of my CI. I can make out a lot of the lyrics and practically all of the tune. I just wear my Sonnet or Rondo. 

If I'm at work, I use the Artone 3 Max so I don't disturb others. 

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