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Are Sonnet 1 pieces compatible with Sonnet 2 pieces?

Megan L.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Does anyone know if the Sonnet 1 pieces are compatible with the Sonnet 2 pieces? I have a good amount of replacement pieces for my Sonnet 1 and would love to use them on the Sonnet 2 I'm getting on Monday 😁 


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  • HearPeers Heroes

@Mary Beth YAY!! I was hoping they were but I couldn’t find anything saying they were compatible. Thanks 😁

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Compatible Accessories

With SONNET 2, you can use SONNET accessories, including ActiveWear & BabyWear, rechargeable batteries, battery pack covers, coil cables, design covers, and more.

Durable Hardware

For everyday reliability, we’ve enhanced the durability of SONNET 2 components, including the control unit housing, battery pack covers, DL-Coil cable sheath.


@Megan L.

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On 1/8/2021 at 10:07 PM, Megan L. said:

the Sonnet 2 I'm getting on Monday

How are you doing listening belateral? 🙂

@Mary Beth

On 1/9/2021 at 12:00 AM, Mary Beth said:


Improved Microphone Cover

With a new “no-open” design, you can replace a SONNET 2 microphone cover without needing to unlock the earhook.

Can you confirm this? Actually I *have* to unlock the earhook to replace a SONNET 2 microphone cover.


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  • HearPeers Heroes


I was able to try the redesigned Sonnet mic cover when I was in Innsbruck.  It just uses a small lever to remove the mic cover.  No need to remove the pin nor ear hook.  I am pretty sure I have seen a video on Med-El ‘s YouTube page showing how to remove the mic cover.

The redesigned mic cover works on both Sonnet 1 and Sonnet 2.




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@Mary Beth

Ah thank you very much for the link. When I got my Sonnet 2 in March 2020 the instructions were for the old cover but I already got the new style and wondered for what the second hole is used for. Even my audiologist didn't know about the change. Since I also have vision troubles I am glad that I no longer need to be careful with the pin in the earhook during exchange any more.

Funny thing, you have been to Innsbruck - only 100 miles from my home.

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  • HearPeers Heroes


@Dani Listening in stereo is interesting! Everything is cartoonish at the moment 🤣 I added some more details over in "Going Bilateral or Considering bilateral"

And how cool you are only 100 miles to Innsbruck!!!!

I am dying to see Med El HQ and Innsbruck....so jealous you got to see it MB @Mary Beth!!

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@Mary Beth

Oh my goodness!!! Yes 😁 I would be in photo heaven 🤩 There’s probably tons of amazing places and things to take pictures of!

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