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Noise in Rondo 3


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Hello everyone 

Hope you all doing good and healthy 

I want to ask if anyone is having noise or crackling sound or ticking sound issues on Rondo 3?

The noise is clearly heard on Audiolink when on inaudible mode (mute) 

If you haven’t heard please do try and check it. Put it on Inaudible, hear it with Rondo 3 and without Rondo 3. See the difference and tell me please.

This is annoying for me, it’s not clearly silence as it should be. 
Your help and suggestions would be great for my hearing journey. 

Thanking you
Much love 

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  • HearPeers Heroes

We have several active Rondo 3 users so hopefully someone can reply.

The mix button on AudioLink allows us to turn the mix to 100% AudioLink and 0% Rondo 3 mics.  Is that the button you are using?  If yes, this is not a mute button but rather a mix button which would still send input from the AudioLink.



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@Mary Beth

Yes I’m using that mix button. 100% stream - 0% mics. In that I could hear the noise more clearly. And without audiolink there is the same noise too and with 100% mics on, the noise is still there but hearing it very less because of environments. 

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@Vedant are you getting the crackling sound when streaming from the AudioLink, or is it all the time?

I get crackling when actively streaming and this is because the AudioLink’s range isn’t great and sometimes the connection partially (or even totally) drops from one or both sides even when just prior there was a good connection.

I only use the AudioLink cabled into my TV for streaming, nothing else. All other streaming I do with Sonnet 2 and the AudioStream battery sleeve. 

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I am getting noise all the time, it is clearly heard more when I put it on mix mode on audiolink - 100% streaming and 0 % mics 

Otherwise in quite room, I could hear the noise in my right audio which is loud and left audio which is very soft. 

It is related to mapping or something? 

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  • HearPeers Heroes


Is this noise still there when you remove the processors from your head?

Is the noise still there if you turn off the AudioLink and then go outside?

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I don't get that noise but I do get a bit of noise when I power on my Rondo3. Does the noise happen if you are holding your head still? If you rotate your Rondo 3 90 degrees forward, then 90 degrees back (3 and 9 o clock) and then put it in the normal position does the noise go away?

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@Mary Beth @Anthony Canada

Reply to Mary 

Noise is not there when I remove the processor. Very little noise is there when I go outside cause the mics are on so can hear little if I am in quite room, I could hear that noise going on :(


Reply to Anthony

Yes that noise when you put on is there but keep on going, never stopping. I did try 90 degree up down right left, still there is noise :(

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Once in awhile the default settings for programming thresholds- the loudest sound we CAN NOT hear- think of it as the bottom of each green bar the audiologist adjusts when programming- do not work well.  When this happens, we can benefit by having our audiologist actually set each threshold manually.  Again, this changes the bottom of each green bar.


Since the sound is not there when the processors are off of you, it obviously is a sound from the processor.

Since you have tried other Rondo 3 processors and had the same experience, it is not your specific Rondo 3.

Since the sound continues outside, it is not a sound in your environment.

So that makes me think it is a need for a programming change.

Possibly having your audiologist manually set each threshold may help.

For this test, we are connected to their computer and they work with one electrode at a time.  Taking the electrode down bit by bit until we can no longer hear it.

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@Mary Beth

Okay now I get it. I will definitely check with my audiologist and ask for manually threshold and also look after programming settings. Maybe it could be something related to electrodes. 
Thankyou for your help. You are kind and I appreciate you. 

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Keep us posted @Vedant

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hi, I find if I don’t turn off everything properly, there remains a ticking sound.  Be sure to turn off audio2ear and the Bluetooth connection to AudioKey. The ticking seems to remain until all links are off. Even my husband has heard them when I forgot to turn off audio2ear and my phone continues to tick

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Hi Deanne, I had similar issues when wearing my audiostream and bluetooth on my android phone. It seemed to me it was a click for every thing received by phone...received messages, Emails , ads, etc. I turned off all notifications, seemed to help but sometimes it was very irritating, so went without streaming a long time. I heard about the new update, so I quick got the update done and has nearly fixed the greatest share of the clicks!!! 

I did this through the audiokey app. And now I use the audiostream cover most times. Have you tried this update??

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which update are you talking about? help me out 

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@Vedant I think @Dianna is talking about the recent firmware update for the AudioStream cover for Sonnet series processors (1 & 2). This isn’t compatible with the Rondo 3 as it’s a battery sleeve for the Sonnet series processors, which Rondo 3 does not use as the processor is a single piece. 

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okay gotcha, no worries.

im waiting for new audio2key app update, audiolink and audio stream 

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@Vedant I’m eagerly awaiting the AudioStream adapter for Rondo 3 as well! It’s not yet available in the US and as far as I know it’s not known when it will be available. Only a few countries (i think) have it already  

Not sure about your area but the most recent AudioKey2 update in the US was four months ago. Not sure when it will hit all countries/regions if it hasn’t already. 

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  • HearPeers Heroes


I am sorry but I have no other suggestions for the sound you are hearing with your Rondo 3, only when it is on and it happens with a different Rondo 3 as well.

It could be a sound in your environment, a sound caused by hair movement over the mics or a MAPping issue like mentioned above with the threshold settings.

I hope your CI team can find a solution for you.

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@dianaYes, I have the update and will hear the sound if I stop streaming but still have the connection live.  I just make sure I shut everything down including the BT connection once I finish my streaming session.  Thanks!

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