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Delayed Allergic reaction??


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Hi Hears peers heroes. It's been a month since my CI implant and  a little over a week since my emergency appendectomy. The CI surgery was uneventful but boy recovering from anyryoe of stomach surgery is no fun. I had my appendectomy follow-up today. Waited an hour in an empty waiting room for the dr to spend just 3 minutes with me. I could tell he was uncomfortable trying  to talk to me knowing I was stone deaf. It's annoying when I as a dead person go to the Dr with my AVA app or other speech to text apps only to be need by signs all over the office status no electronics it recordings of any kind are allowed in patient exam rooms... I see I'm gonna make it my pet project to change this here in NC or at least bring it to some higher ups that it is like excluding service dogs. Anyway all is well except I have a very very bothersome itchy rash now behind my ear and my belly button area where they used surgical glue. He told me I'm probably allergic to the glue as it healed. What in the World!!!. Why didn't it itch and bump up right after both surgeries???The cortisone cream and allergy pills or creams he recommended over the counter are NOT working yet! Any suggestions how? I've stopped using any type of soaps I have about 2 weeks to go before I see my CI surgeon

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  • HearPeers Heroes



I am so sorry things are not going easier for you.  I suggest calling, via InnoCaption, or having a family member call ...your CI surgeon and describe exactly how things feel and look (still swollen bump?) near your CI incision.


I hope you feel better soon.

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@Mary FeatherstonFeatherstonIFFeFeatFeatherstonFeatherstonIFFeFeat I will definitely be going to see my primary tomorrow. I'm just praying I can get some sleep tonight because thw itch definitely kept me up last night. Only shirt relief I get if I lit a cold bag of frozen peas on it momentarily.

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@Mary Beth thank you. Yes my husband is gonna call in the morning. I'm finally up and walking around better than last week. Even baked 80 individual homemade banana puddings for a wedding catering over the weekend.  Baking  is my side passion ? but this itch has me short tempered with the hubby. LOL

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  • HearPeers Heroes


Could you also email a pic of the itchy area behind your ear to Dr Pillsbury? 

When I feel behind my ear, it feels a bit rough all of a sudden. I get a little itching too but the surgeon said no scratching so I'm trying to comply. 

Hope your primary care doc can help but I'd feel better if your CI surgeon chimed in. 

I hope you're able to fee some sleep. 

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@Mary Beth my head is small. There is a bump where the implant is inserted. My surgery said it will go down as time passes. It's so noticeable because that side of my head was completely shaved. I shaved most of it before my CI to prepare and to honor a close cousin going through second round of breast cancer after being 10 years in remission!! She shave her head bald and a few of us shaved part of ours to show support. ?

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@JewelI will definitely try to send pic to Dr Pillsbury. I private messaged you a pic. Sorry if it had you itchy too. Lol. Will keep you all posted. I'm not putting anything on my ear but am using antihistamine cream on my stomach area. 

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  • HearPeers Heroes


I hope you can sleep better tonight.  Let us know what your doctors recommend.  Good luck.  Sure hope this clears up quickly for you.

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@Jewel @Mary Beth @Mary FeatherstonFeatherston Hi all. Sorry for the delay in an update. So my Dr referred me back to my Primary Dr. I saw him today. The itching and redness was beyond anything imaginabke these last couple of days. Seems the glue used to seal both of my surgical wounds plus the use of Neosporin caused a double allergic reaction. My primary bless his heart looked me over and immediately gave me a steroid injection and a prescription for Triamcinolone cream. I'm feeling instant relief now. It will be a few days before it all clears up but boy oh boy am I a happy camper to see light at the end of this tunnel!! ?

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  • HearPeers Heroes

I am so happy things are improving.  That sounded very uncomfortable!

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  • HearPeers Heroes

That sounds awful, @sassychele02 - I'm glad your doctor was able to get your meds straightened out!  Hope It's smooth sailing from here.

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