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From one CI to two CIs

Mary Beth

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I was recently asked to present about going from one CI to two CIs.  I LOVE hearing with two balanced CIs!

Things sound so much better.

Music sounds way better.

Locating sounds in my environment is easy now.

It’s easier to hear in noisy places.

It’s relaxing to no longer have a good side that needs to be positioned strategically.

It’s reassuring that if something happens to one internal device, listening with the other CI will be fine while things get sorted.

And did I mention that music sounds way better?!!


For those of you who went from listening with one CI to listening with two CIs, what have been your experiences after getting the second CI?


@Dave in Pittsburgh







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@Mary Beth Definitely everything you said!!


The confidence I’ve gained in social settings and, now, living independently 

No longer becoming exhausted due to straining to hear and understand

The great “surround” sound and hearing sounds from all directions 

The ability to separately set each side to the M and T settings for streaming

Being bilateral is awesome…a lifelong hearing dream that finally came true!

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I am still adjusting, but with two CIs the sides are more balanced.  Everything Mary Beth and Joan mentioned above plus:

Hearing things that have never been heard before (birds for one) or haven’t been heard in a long time due to progressive hearing loss. 

The CIs are better able to be adjusted to hear directly-around-me conversations at noisy restaurants. 

CIs have way more listening/streaming options than hearing aids. Telecoil, Bluetooth, directly plugging in, no feedback when wearing headphones (except Med-El’s EAS version), etc.

No longer dreading getting boothed at the audiologist. 

There’s probably loads more things too. Between all users here we could probably write a book on this subject. 


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  • HearPeers Heroes

Apart from the specific streaming aspects, your lists of advantages is very similar to going from SSD + 1 implant. Stereo sound is amazing!!!!

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Going bi-lateral was absolutely amazing. As I have often said it's way better than twice as good. 

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Hi everyone 

I absolutely love listening to music in stereo again.  I can use headphones which was impossible with one CI. I am definitely doing better at locating sounds and it's helpful in many situations where I am able to turn my head towards the sound source, which was easy to misjudge when I was unilateral.  

If I can think of anything else I'll be back to add it. I'm just very excited you put this together @Mary Beth.  Not sure who will read /see your presentation  but hoping it'll somehow find its way to help those who desire a second CI have a chance to receive it. 

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Your story on deciding to get your second side implanted is very interesting.  Your second CI is your successful side.  Will you share your story here for others who may be hesitant to get a second CI after experiencing difficulty with the first CI?

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Sure, @Mary Beth

So, after not hearing out of my left ear for a good 20 years or so, and starting to lose my right ear, and hearing aids not helping me... my doctor decided that he wanted to give the left ear implant a shot, though we didn't know if there would be any results. 

Unfortunately because of damage done to the auditory nerve from a past surgery, it did not work... though there was stimulation, there was no sound. 

A few months later, I was able to get my right ear implanted, and it was the best decision I have ever made!

I hear so much better than I did with hearing aids and now I even have devices to help adjust the settings (audiolink, audiokey2, audio2ear). 

Due to being unilateral, I still have trouble with background noise, in noisy environments (restaurants, etc), sounds location, and sometimes music. 

So, if you have the chance to become bilateral, by all means, take that chance!!! It could be the best thing you've ever done for yourself! It's worth the risk!!!

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  • HearPeers Heroes


Thank you for sharing your story here.  You are a very strong person and I am so happy your second CI is giving you such great sound.  Thanks so much.  Pop into a GoogleMeet sometime when it works with your schedule again.  We miss you.  Smile

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I'm getting ready to get my 2nd Med-el implant done next week, question...I don't care for the Audiolink can you choose anything different in your kit besides another audiolink that I don't need?

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@Ricky W

yes.  Your CI audiologist or Med-El rep will be able to give you the options.  Also in the Med-El US Webshop you can download a free CI booklet and it lists the available options as well.  They change from time to time.

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23 hours ago, Mary Beth said:


Thank you for sharing your story here.  You are a very strong person and I am so happy your second CI is giving you such great sound.  Thanks so much.  Pop into a GoogleMeet sometime when it works with your schedule again.  We miss you.  Smile

I've been thinking about that, could you send me the link for the next one? ☺️

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Love this topic. I am currently in a study, hoping the discussion for 2nd ci comes up in august, two year testing. Im not sure if i can qualify as ha gives pretty good testing. I also am low in understanding with the background noise. We shall see. Thank you all for stories!!

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I just got my second CI implant yesterday the other one was implanted 5 months ago.

Both were done at UNC Chapel Hill 

I'm curious of the experience as well.


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I went from one CI to two about nine years ago, and it's a bit hard to remember what it felt like to suddenly be bilateral again.

But when one processor runs out of power and I can't immediately change batteries, things do get a lot worse. And then, new batteries now installed, they get a lot better again.

The difference is massive. Kansas vs Oz. (No disrespect intended to readers from Kansas!)

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Edited by Hila
Found a way to share through WhatsApp
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Also wanted to add how much more comfortable it feels to drive a car with 2 CIs VS 1

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