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Artone TVB. It is AWESOME!

Mary Beth

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  • HearPeers Heroes

@Joan and I tested out the Artone TVB recently.  It is terrific. I will post my comments later.  

Amazing piece of tech. (US $55)

Must use a receiver with it.  We used our awesome Artone 3 MAX BT neckloops. (US $129)


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The Artone TVB is a truly amazing piece of technology! Such incredible, clear sound from such a small (2.25”x2.25”), very lightweight and inexpensive device. I live in an apartment and there is absolutely no change in the sound quality no matter where I am within my apartment, including outside on my deck. In a word....wow!!
Thank you so very much @Mary Beth for making me aware of this amazing device and helping me test it!

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  • HearPeers Heroes

@Hearing Again posted recently and loves the Artone TVB too! Works great for people with one CI and one HA as long as the HA has an active telecoil.

link to @Hearing Again ‘s post


I am just trying to gather Artone TVB comments all in one place to help others who may be interested in it.


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  • HearPeers Heroes

Can connect to TV via the optical audio out or the red and white audio out jacks.

We tested it using the red and white audio out jacks.  Terrific sound quality.  Absolutely no audio delay.

Paired with an Artone 3 MAX BT neckloop (which I have been using for 3 years and love it), FANTASTIC connection!  Does not require line of sight.  Move around and still hear perfectly.


Does not matter what the volume level of the TV is set at for others.  Easily control our volume with the volume controls on the Artone neckloop.  MT is a mix of processor mic and TV. T is TV only.


Excellent sound quality!  Easy to use.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

The printed directions are not clear.  

Here is how you pair the TVB and Artone neckloop.....


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  • HearPeers Heroes

Printed directions for pairing the Artone TVB and Artone neckloop....

Artone TVB

Turn on TVB by pressing and holding until you see blinking blue lights


Stand near the TVB with the Artone neckloop. Press and hold center button on Artone neckloop until you see alternating red and blue lights. Then let go but stay close to TVB.


Wait until you see slow blinking blue light on neckloop


All ready


Turn off TVB by pressing and holding until you see red light


We need to repeat the above each time.  It only takes a moment.

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5 hours ago, Mary Beth said:

We need to repeat the above each time.  It only takes a moment.

Just to make sure I understand, do you mean all of the steps, meaning that you need to re-pair the Artone TVB and Neckloop each time?  Or just the turning on/off of the TVB?

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  • HearPeers Heroes


For some reason we do need to re-pair it each time.  Since that differs from how the Artone neckloop works with all other connections, I contacted Artone and asked about it.  I have not heard back yet.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • HearPeers Heroes



After testing out the TVB with @Joan on her TV, I ordered one right away for my home.  It arrived and works great!


With Joan’s TV there is no audio delay with the TVB connected via the red and white audio out jacks.  On my TV there was a slight audio delay when connected with the red and white audio out jacks.  So I connected the TVB via the optical audio out (cable included in the TVB box).  No audio delay!



On the TVB there are two switches.  Keep one switch on TX (transmitter) so it sends the sound to our neckloops.


The other switch depends on how we connect the TVB to the TV.  
-If we use optical audio out, that switch needs to be set to SPDIF.

-If we use the red and white audio out, that switch needs to be set to AUX.

Once set up, we are good.  Set it and forget it.  Smile.



As stated previously, the directions to pair the TVB to the neckloop are not clear.  But fortunately it is quite easy to do.  To pair the TVB to a neckloop.....

FIRST make sure the neckloop will not automatically pair to a previous device (like your phone).  I turned on my neckloop, let it automatically pair to my previous device (phone) and then went to BT settings on my phone and told the phone to forget the Artone.  Then turn off the Artone neckloop.  Repeat if the neckloop will automatically pair to other previous devices (like your iPad).  If you are using a new neckloop, you just skip this step.  (I have several Artone neckloops because I love them!  So I have set one specific neckloop aside to use with the TVB.  A sticker easily marks which neckloop is for the TVB.  This makes things easy for me because each neckloop automatically pairs with the device I want to use it with.)


SECOND Turn on the TVB by pressing and holding the button down for 2 seconds.  Blue blinking light will start.


THIRD Hold your neckloop close to the TVB.  Press and hold the neckloop button UNTIL the alternating red and blue flashing lights start.  Let go of the button BUT keep the neckloop close to the TVB.  You will see the blue blinking light on the TVB start blinking slower.  Just stay close and be patient.  Several seconds later (longer than you might anticipate) the red and blue flashing lights on the neckloop will stop and the neckloop will begin blinking blue.  You are all set!


So far for me, my neckloop pairs automatically every time I turn it on.  BUT it does take the neckloop moments longer to pair with the TVB than my phone.  If I just give it those moments, it connects automatically.  Joan needs to re-pair her neckloop each time.  So this may vary.



We can change the volume while we are on MT (mix) or T (TVB only) two ways.  Our change in volume does not alter the volume of the TV for family/friends. It is our own personalized volume!

1) Use the volume up/down controls on the Artone neckloop.

2) Use our Fine Tuner volume controls.  (Remember to reset yourself later if you choose this option.)


MUTE (3rd option to mute added)

The mute function of the actual television WILL NOT mute sound through the TVB/neckloop set up. (So we can actually hear the TV perfectly fine while it is on MUTE for others.)  The pause button on the neckloop WILL NOT pause or mute sound through the TVB/neckloop set up.  BUT we do have three ways to mute sound while using the TVB/neckloop set up.

1) Use the FineTuner to return to M

2) Take off the neckloop

3) Pause the TV


Excellent sound quality.  No audio delay.  Works great as I move around and change rooms!

This is a winner in my book.  

@Hearing Again





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  • HearPeers Heroes


You are welcome!  I can not tell you how cool it has been today to keep up with the game on TV even when cooking in the kitchen!  Sounds great!

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  • HearPeers Heroes

I continue to have fun with this TVB.  Last evening we were watching a show when I needed to do some work on the computer in the basement.  I went downstairs but had left the neckloop on.  I worked for an hour while still listening to the upstairs TV clearly!  I even knew when my family fast forwarded the show since the audio would stop and then restart again when they hit play.  This is so much fun!

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Connecting update

I have used this TVB for several days and my neckloop automatically connects each time I turn it on.  It takes between 20 seconds and a minute to auto connect.  

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@Mary Beth   Isn’t it great that it works all over the house? Although my neckloop does not connect automatically, using the TVB is such fun!😊

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  • HearPeers Heroes

It is great that the range is so awesome!  I like that I can leave the living room to do tasks (cooking, etc) and still listen to the show.

The range of the Artone 3 MAX BT neckloop has always impressed me.  Pair it to my iPad/iPhone, start an audiobook and leave it in the living room.  I hear it fine as I clean the main floor and upstairs.

It’s cool to now be able to do that with TV audio through the TVB to the neckloop.  Fun indeed.

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I'm going to have to try this. My family still puts closed captioning on (which I know is tiresome as it covers up important info sometimes, especially on sporting events).

A promise I am making to myself for 2020.


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  • HearPeers Heroes

The TVB is working so easily.  I leave the TVB on all the time (It is plugged in.). I turn the neckloop off when I charge it. Turn the neckloop back on when I want to use it.  It connects automatically.


Very easy.

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Just to confirm. When using the TVB with the Artone it will not mute the sound from the TV so that hearing people can hear? Because there other devices similar to the TVB will automatically mute the sound.

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  • HearPeers Heroes


Sound is not muted for others. My family hears the TV just fine.  And @Joan’s TV also has no impact on the regular TV sound level for others.

Of course, this may be impacted by how someone has their TV audio out set up.

For me, using the TV speakers for everyone else, there is no impact on their sound levels with the TVB hooked up.  I did not change my TV settings at all.  I just plugged in the TVB.

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