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Initial activation day

Lori Martin

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Hi to all here at hearpeers

Today I am in my way to Boston to meet with my implant manager today is initial activation day.

I am somewhat nervous!!


Thank you


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I was implanted and activated at Mass Eye and Ear in Boston - is that where you are?  If so, the audiologists there are great. It’s a difficult process to get used to because I expected something totally different but trust them to help you. 

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How we’re your expectations different than your actual experience?  How are things going now for you?

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@Mary Beth

i expected that they would change the “volume” ie strength of each electrode based on my ability to hear/understand speech. For example, increase strength of the electrode furthest in the cochlea to account for less hearing at high frequencies. But they increase volume the same for all.
I’m 9 months before post activation and feel as though I have plateaued in terms of improvement. Still working with angel sounds as my main rehab. 

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Some audiologists use a flat MAP at activation.  Others do each electrode individually.  And others do targeted electrodes and the software automatically sets the other electrodes.  Is your MAP still flat or has it been adjusted for each electrode now?

I like having each electrode set separately.  I also benefit from testing thresholds for each electrode and setting them manually.  This benefits me because my left side has unusual threshold settings.

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Hi to all here at hearpeers

To try an answer all your questions to the best of my ability I will do my best.

First I had a hearing test  completed, then my implant manager worked with the sounds with my processor.


Holly Molly I could actually hear her voice but with noise in the background. She explained that will calm down eventually in time.


My processor is flat and the other equipment they are resending back and giving me new up to date technology.



I had my implant process done at Boston Medical Center at the moakley building.

Right now I am trying to learn my sounds with the background noise it's diffiently different to say the least.

But I still have aways to go as you all here had too.

I am also working with my remote to control my levels of sounds. I have completed stage 1,2 and now up to three.

I will go to level four over the weekend so it's not overwhelming.

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I had tears some but when I can hear more clearly that's when I will probably break down.

Just keeping the faith!

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@Mary Beth

at my last appointment the audiologist tested each electrode to insure the volume was the same for each tone. I think all the electrodes are set at the same level but I couldn’t see the computer monitor so can’t be sure. 

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In order for me to perceive the electrodes to be at the same volume level, my electrodes require different amounts of current,

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5 hours ago, Mary Beth said:

@Lori Martin

You are off to a great start!  Enjoy your journey.

@johnl it gets better and amazing.  After 1 year I could understand the hygienist with her mask on.  A big Wow

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@Marion nancy

Isn't that so cool that we can understand the hygienist with the mask on?!  I remember how shocked I was too!  I wrote about it that night in my listening journal.  Amazing!

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Thank you Marybeth !!

It's just so different

Water running


Flushing the toilet


I can go on and on.



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I have been reading so much here at hearpeers.

Absolutely wonderful!!

I as well have been doing journaling on myself.

It's so amazing what your unquie journey (story is all about.)

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Best wishes Lori. Johnl good to see news from you. Give us a rundown of what training you do besides Angel. 

9 months down the line for me. I can now hear a cockatiel screech as it used to sound, it shuts my system off a lot of times as well. I think listening to audio books is the most enjoyable way to make progress. Using Angel with head hood hoed etc I can't get better than 76% , the American accent doesn't help. 

I have a session once every couple of weeks.



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we must have been activated at about the same time because I’m about 9 months in as well. I have focused on angel sounds mostly although I remember someone saying that experiencing life with a CI is rehab as well. In real life I’m doing okay. For the most part I can understand speech when I’m talking to someone if I’m looking at them. If someone calls me from across the room I can hear the voice but not sure what they are saying. Noisy locations are difficult and music sounds terrible (which is a big disappointment). Often voices sound mechanical or what I describe as synthesized. I wear my rondo 2 and sonnet on alternating days and can’t really tell the difference. Finally, I feel as though I have “plateaued “ in terms of improving but that may be because early on improvement can quicker - at least that’s what I hope. 
happy holidays. 

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2 hours ago, JohnL said:



we must have been activated at about the same time because I’m about 9 months in as well. I have focused on angel sounds mostly although I remember someone saying that experiencing life with a CI is rehab as well. In real life I’m doing okay. For the most part I can understand speech when I’m talking to someone if I’m looking at them. If someone calls me from across the room I can hear the voice but not sure what they are saying. Noisy locations are difficult and music sounds terrible (which is a big disappointment). Often voices sound mechanical or what I describe as synthesized. I wear my rondo 2 and sonnet on alternating days and can’t really tell the difference. Finally, I feel as though I have “plateaued “ in terms of improving but that may be because early on improvement can quicker - at least that’s what I hope. 
happy holidays. 

Hi johnl 

My everyday speech has really become good. I've even been able to use the phone in a supermarket. However my granddaughters voice on the phone is impossible. Some voices are robotic. 

TV and radio still hard work, unless I use my mini mic streaming device . 

Percussion works almost perfectly. 

Mid range piano good. 

Flute is now good so music with jazz piano is acceptable,  Oscar Peterson works well. The singing voice is very distorted. I do listen to music a lot but it has a long way to go. I expect we will get to like the new sounds. 

I must say I need to train in a more disciplined way. 

If you check the forum You See so many people experiencing improvement after years. 

The only way to go is remember what it was like before. 

Have a great Christmas break. 



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My initial setting was also 'flat' but over the first 3 months that was changed a few times with different levels in each frequency range, depending on which sounds (consonants) I was hearing or missing. It helped immensely.

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5 hours ago, Kylie said:

My initial setting was also 'flat' but over the first 3 months that was changed a few times with different levels in each frequency range, depending on which sounds (consonants) I was hearing or missing. It helped immensely.

This mapping method is so different from mine. I will have to talk to my audiologist. I'm glad the medel technique works so well for you. 

It would be almost impossible to get stats to show which model is best. 

Let's just say they all do a great job 

The clock in the hallway is tick tocking loud and clear. Fantastic. 


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It is not a specific Med-El MAPping technique.  My audiologist did not activate me with a flat MAP.  However it is an approach to MAPping used by some audiologists for everyone and used by other audiologists for some people.

One thing we know for sure, there is a lot of variability in how our CI audiologists approach activation and future MAPpings.

As long as we all end up in a good place, it’s all good.  Smile.

If someone is feeling like they are stuck and not progressing, it may be helpful to get a second opinion if possible.

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Went to see the ballet Scrouge last night and even though the music was canned I enjoyed it. This morning listening to a concert on the radio. It's definitely getting better. No question, the more you listen the better it gets. 

A tenor has just come on and he sounds terrible. Yeah well no fine 🤗


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