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Does anybody on here sign? Did you start learning because of your hearing loss? 

I have been learning online - solo - for a while. 

I first heard about ASL when I was in middle school, and we learned the alphabet. 

Since then, I wanted to learn more, but never got to it until maybe a year or two ago. Without anybody to practice with, I get in and out of it, so it's taking me a while lol. 

I'm not a 'beginner' beginner, but still a beginner, a little closer to intermediate. I know a decent amount of vocab, I can fingerspell, I know most of my numbers, and I understand some about the grammar and word order; but I need more practice with that. And I want to learn how to sign in different tenses such as commands vs statements, etc. 

I rely mostly on Lifeprint with Bill Vicars (love him!); I also like ASL Rochelle; and I get a new vocab word sent to my email daily from SignSchool. 

Does anybody have any other resources that they use?

I don't live near a Deaf community, or anywhere that might have courses. 

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  • HearPeers Heroes


I am fluent in ASL.   I did learn due to my hearing loss which also led me to become a Teacher of the Deaf.  I taught ASL at the university part time at night for most of my career.  ASL is a fabulous language.

There are many resources for ASL classes online.  Even more now due to COVID.  There are also terrific ASL videos on YouTube.


Enjoy learning ASL.  It’s a beautiful language 

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I learned ASL when I was 5 years old :)  My mom wanted me to have the experience of being with people like myself but unfortunately I was only there for a year and then I was mainstreamed. I still remember a lot but I'm definitely rusty. Now that I have time, I should definitely practice. I'm going to check out the sites/people you mentioned. 

@Mary Beth  

I had no idea you taught ASL at the university level in addition to the kids! Cool! Do you have any favorite ASL resources online you recommend? And agreed, ASL is a beautiful language!


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  • HearPeers Heroes

@Megan L.

I do not have favorite ASL online sites for new signers.  The online options change so rapidly.

There are many great sites.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

@tmscarlett10 @Megan L. I concur with Lifeprint; Mr. Vicars' YouTube channels put out content multiple times a week if not daily ranging from beginner to fairly advanced concepts. I also watch ASL Meredith and Signed with Heart. But I'm definitely newer to this than anyone in this thread thus far so take that for what you will.




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I do sign. I've been deaf since I was a baby. I learned as I learned to talk as well. My parents were believers of total communication. In school (mainstreamed), I used mainly SEE (Signed Exact English). Out socializing, I used more ASL. But now I'm more PSE (Pidgin Signed English) overall, which is generally a mix of SEE and ASL.

Like Mary Beth said, ASL is an amazing language. 

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@Mary Beth, that's so cool! When my hearing improves, i definitely want to go back to school to finish my bachelor's degree in early childhood education; but I have had the thought, multiple times, that I may want to teach ASL or to Deaf kids! 

When I'm able to get my own place, and live in the city, rather than this stick that my dad lives in - and when the pandemic subsides - I definitely want to take in-person ASL courses... and maybe pursue a degree in it 🤗

@Megan L., definitely check out Lifeprint at https://www.lifeprint.com/ ; I basically watch the Lessons videos, and some others when I'm searching for other things. I start with Lesson1, them watch it again, then maybe once more, them go to lesson2, and watch it again, and leave it for the day. Then before continuing to Lesson3, I re-watch Lessons1&2. And I keep going kinda like that until I get the concept and vocab.  I love the amount of repetition in Bill Vicars' videos! That's what helps me to learn. 

Since you already know ASL, you probably won't have to repeat watching like I do lol.




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  • HearPeers Heroes


Is your town small?  Are there many CI users nearby?

Our town is called a city but it is a very small community of less than 20,000 people.  It is surrounded by towns that are very small.  So when people in this area say they are going to the city, it means coming here!

The closest real cities are Montreal Canada to the north (1 hour), Burlington Vermont (big town 1 hour east) and Albany New York (3 hours south).

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  • HearPeers Heroes

@phobos512 & @tmscarlett10thanks for the recommendations!! I can definitely use a refresher since it’s been a while. Repetition always helps when learning a new language or a new sign 👍 maybe one day we can all practice together and see what we got! 😆


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  • HearPeers Heroes

@tmscarlett10 I'd also like to take some in person course. Gallaudet offers, or would in a normal year, an immersive adult ASL "camp" in the summer time. Since I'm here in the metro it'd be awesome to participate in that someday.

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@Mary Beth, I live in a really small town surrounded by more small towns. The closest city is about a half hour away, but it's still small, biggest deal there is a community college. The nearest "actual" city is at least two hours from where I live; whether it be Lexington, KY or Cincinnati, OH. There's another city about an hour away with a university that may have ASL classes in a normal year, lol. 

I also can't drive, so I rely either on a door-to-door scheduling transportation service or my dad, who doesn't like to drive further than half an hour. 


@Megan L., you're welcome. And yes, I would love to get to practice with you, or anybody on here if they'd like! It would just need to be 1-on-1, though; I've tried video chatting/signing with two other people at the same time, and I couldn't understand anything with the multiple screens (I also have vision impairment). 


@phobos512, that's so cool that you live near Gallaudet. I would definitely like to go there, and that camp sounds pretty awesome. 

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@tmscarlett10 we could do that! No worries 😊 It’s hard looking at multiple screens/boxes and figuring out who’s talking. I like zoom because it brings the speaker front and center whereas the other video chats do not. Zoom however does not have captions so it’s a trade off 🤷‍♀️

@phobos512 my friend went to Gallaudet and loved it! I did not know they did a ASL “camp.” Sounds cool!

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  • HearPeers Heroes


@Megan L.



I saw this list and thought you may be interested.


Lifeprint by Bill Vicars (hearing friends love this, great beginner's resource): http://lifeprint.com/
The ASL App: https://theaslapp.com/
Sign It ASL: https://www.signitasl.com/
ASL That: https://youtube.com/user/chsasl
Signed With Heart: https://youtube.com/user/ashleyclarkfry
Handspeak: https://handspeak.com
TRUE+WAY ASL: https://truewayasl.com
Sign Language Center: www.signlanguagecenter.com

Many universities and community colleges provide ASL classes by Deaf instructors with credits.
ASL Connect - an online certificate program by Gallaudet University
And many more.

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