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November 2021 GoogleMeet for Med-El CI users and family

Mary Beth

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  • HearPeers Heroes

This GoogleMeet chat is for Med-El CI users and families, as well as those considering a Med-El CI.

Sunday November 14th

9:15 am New York time start time 

chat opens at 9:00 for socializing 

Google Meet with free live captioning

Looking forward to our GoogleMeet chat.  

New HearPeers members are always welcome.


If you are interested in an invite to this chat, please respond below.  Thank you!

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  • HearPeers Heroes

@Andrew42 Would you like to join in our November GoogleMeet chat with free captions?  Details are above.

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Mary Beth. Yes I believe so. It is just a few days after my activation. I've put it in my diary and I'll check for the time change next week. We change our clocks, maybe for the last time, next Sunday so I'll need to google the time change to see if has stayed a six hours. In the weird and wonderful way of Brussels they have decided to eliminate the bi-annual time change but they keep dithering on when to do it PLUS, typical of Brussels unelected but all powerful Bureaucrats, they have decided to let each of the 27 nations choose whether they are going to stay on summer or winter time. Can you imagine driving from France to Holland through Belgium which is easy to do in a few hours and changing from one time in France to another in Belgium and back again in Holland just because two elected one way and the third the other. Crazy!!

Enough of my rant. Where and how do I log in?

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In a moment I will send you a private HP message to get your email address for the invite.  Look at the top menu for the envelope icon.  Invites are emailed out a few minutes before the meeting opening.  GoogleMeet has free captions.  This shows you how to access the captions on a computer:


This shows you how to access the captions on a tablet 


@Stuman51 and @Darlene Mac will be joining in November for the first time also.


Looking forward to meeting you all.

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Just a quick reminder..

We take a break every December so the November HearPeers GoogleMeet will be the last chat in 2021.  Then we will resume our monthly chats in January 2022.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • HearPeers Heroes


Our monthly GoogleMeet chat for Med-El CI users and family is this Sunday, November 14th.  Invites are sent a few moments before our start.  Informal chat 9-9:15am (New York time)  9:15 we begin.

The US moved clocks back the other day so this may impact the respective time in your area.

Invites will be sent to:

@Mary Jo Strickland




@Shiyi Wang


@Kirk S.

@Dave in Pittsburgh


@Jared Charney


@Darlene Mac



Three first time chat members (Stu, Darlene and Andrew).

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Ah yes back to 10pm for me! I enjoyed your daylight savings LoL. I'll be there 😊

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I thought I had replied to this but cannot find the post so at the risk of repeating myself, I will be attending on Sunday. How much I can/will participate will be a function of the immediate result of activation on Thursday. Fingers crossed.

Mary-Beth, thank you very much for your helpful videos on Google Meet. I played around with it today and think i know what to do. Very impressed with the close captioning. Our local TV station could learn a thing or two becasue their instantaneous close captioning is pretty pathetic in its speed. What I did notice is that Google only handles one language at a time: you have to preset the language for the meeting.

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I look forward to meeting you on Sunday.  The automatic captions are usually good.  I read the GoogleMeet is going to roll out translations- so participants can join meetings held in one language and read translations in their native language.  That would be very helpful.

There is the chat feature in GoogleMeet too if you run into difficulties you can let us know there also.

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