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Evaluating CI for Single-Sided Deafness - would appreciate your advice


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I’m in evaluation for CI for single-sided deafness - sudden idiopathic hearing loss in May 2017 and another major loss in Dec 2019 - only 28% word recognition now and significant tinnitus in bad ear. The other ear is fine. So far, I’m told I am a good candidate for the procedure.

I’ve had excellent hearing all my life until these events at age 64.  I enjoy travel for work and pleasure and twice in the past two years I have been surprised by persons who touch/grabbed me inappropriately - once on the street in California and another time in India  - I am a strong person, but it frightened  me to know that I could easily be accosted without any awareness of where the threat was coming because I could not hear the approach. 

I enjoyed music, social gatherings and eating out until the SSD has made It so difficult to hear/communicate in noisy environments. It definitely has impeded social relationships.

My question is: are there others with SSD and looking back, did the CI work/help you? Was it worth the risk? What advice do you have for me as I start this process? Do you find success with the Sonnet 2 or Rondo 2? So Many questions...I appreciate your thoughts!...Thanks in advance for your advice/help!


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welcome to HearPeers!

Rondo 3 has been announced for release in the US near the end of the year and there is a Rondo 3 swap promotion in the US for people who are surgically implanted before its release.  So you may want to compare Sonnet 2 and Rondo 3.  They operate on the same automatic sound management (ASM) which impacts how sounds in noise are treated.  At the moment in the US, they both use ASM 2.  ASM 3 with adaptive intelligence has not yet been FDA approved but both Sonnet 2 and Rondo 3 use ASM 3 elsewhere so hopefully the FDA approves ASM 3 soon.  Both processors connect to sound sources through an intermediary device called the AudioLink.  And both processors connect to an app directly for remote control functions.


I had worn behind the ear hearing aids for decades before getting implanted. So I was used to the BTE design.  My CI center is a two processor center which means we receive two processors after surgery.  (This does not apply to upgrades later on.). I chose a BTE processor and an off the ear processor (Rondo 1).  I am finding that I really love wearing an off the ear processor.  So incredibly comfortable and the processor itself is so easy to use.  If your CI center is a two processor center, think about choosing one BTE (Sonnet 2) and one off the ear (Rondo 2 for the Rondo 3 swap).  There are rules that apply for the Rondo 3 swap so it may be helpful to discuss those with your CI audiologist.

I will tag @Kylie who is single sided deaf with a CI.  She is very helpful.


We are having our monthly virtual Google Meet chat soon.  If you would like to join in, just let us know.  It is captioned.

Wishing you the best!

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The CI in the my right ear is doing all the work and it's really good. 

If all the tests say OK, go for it. 


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Hi @PamR

Sorry for the delayed response, haven't checked my notifications for a whole week while I was moving house!

Anyway... I also became SSD suddenly, at age 38, following an ear infection.

I also found it affected my orientation, not hearing people behind me (very off putting when surprised and hard for my kids who weren't heard unless they were face to face). And it affected my enjoyment of all noisy environments, which I started avoiding. I rescheduled all my catch ups to quiet coffees at home or at an outdoor cafe. Weddings and funerals were a hearing nightmare - too many people in a small space plus background music. And I am a singer in a vocal group so hearing and performing music was very difficult and depressing. The list could go on couldn't it! 

CI was the only option recommended to me so I took it! I was willing to risk the surgery for any improvement at all. And it has been fabulous. I am 1.5 years post surgery and all the things mentioned above are better now!! I have the sonnet 1. I wear it every waking minute and wouldn't be without it. My new sound is not exactly like my previous hearing but it is functional and amazing and better than I imagined. Including for music.

You ask what advice we would offer? Do endless research beforehand so you are the most informed about the process, how the CI works, and the range of outcomes possible. Talk to people who have done it (like this forum!) If you do go ahead, be optimistic in your mindset to set yourself up for success. Do your rehab practise. Tell everyone in your life what you're doing so they can support you. Keep talking on this forum for more support!

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Thank you all for sharing your experiences and advice. I have finished all the pre-surgery tests and want to move forward - now its up to my doctor and insurance to sort out - hopefully insurance will approve the surgery and I’ll be on my way to better hearing!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello, my 10 year old daughter has SSD that we found out about 6 months ago.  We can’t decide between the Rondo 2 and Kanso 2. Our audiologist said it’s up to us, but we really can’t find enough distinction (that we can understand) between the two. Any recommendations? Do both offer similar types of rehab options? Looking forward to your advice.

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4 hours ago, 2monkeys said:

Hello, my 10 year old daughter has SSD that we found out about 6 months ago.  We can’t decide between the Rondo 2 and Kanso 2. Our audiologist said it’s up to us, but we really can’t find enough distinction (that we can understand) between the two. Any recommendations? Do both offer similar types of rehab options? Looking forward to your advice.

I cannot tell you which way to go. The few posts I have seen about kanso2 have been full of praise ( chosen instead of cochlear n7) However Trying to compare is impossible. I can only say whatever you choose is going to work , it's best to go for the best support you find. (I read a lot of Posts on the forums , there are many success stories.)

Rehab is the same for any option.

This is My personal opinion. 

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  • HearPeers Heroes


Welcome to HearPeers!

The rehab process with a cochlear implant is the same regardless of processor choice.  

Speak with your audiologist about the Rondo 3 swap promotion if you are in the US (and Canada too I believe).  Rondo 3 is expected to release by year’s end and this promo lets you start your daughter’s journey now and swap to the Rondo 3.


Personally, I am very excited about Rondo 3.


Wishing your daughter the best.  Hearing from two ears is amazing.

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  • 3 weeks later...


I am 63 years old and also recently lost hearing in one hear. I am a candidate for the cochlear implant procedure. At this point I need to make a decision on the Sonnet 2 (bte) or Rondo 2 (or 3 when available). I like the idea of the Rondo because it is off the ear and out of the way. But I am wondering if the Sonnet behind the ear will provide a more clear sound because of its proximity. When I am in a store with someone, everything sounds loud and I can't hear them very well when they are speaking to me. I was wondering if Sonnet works better than the Rondo in this environment since it is sitting right on the ear. Any advise would be helpful. Thanks

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Wishing you the best on your CI journey.  I use Sonnet and OPUS2 which both sit on the ear and Rondo which is off the ear.

The Rondo sounds great.  The only time the mic position makes listening more difficult for me is in noise BUT the Rondo 3 has dual mics and advanced sound management so it should really help in noise.

I am choosing Rondo 3 as my upgrade processor instead of Sonnet 2.

And off the ear processors are so much easier with facemasks.

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Ooooh, @Mary Beth - do you have a date for receiving your upgrade? 

@joanne- I have both Sonnets and Rondo2s and don't really notice a problem in stores.  I think a lot of that is your brain knowing to not listen to some things, I had the same experience with car noise.  But if you have an issue, get processors with two mics so you can have directional programming. 

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@Mary Featherston

If my present processors keep working I am going to wait to upgrade until ASM 3 is FDA approved and available in the US.  So, no date is set yet.

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