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Soon to be bilateral or considering bilateral

Mary Beth

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Hey HPs Crew!Β 

I got a phone call today about scheduling my surgery and I'm completely thrown for a loop. Due to the COVID 19, I will not be able to bring anyone else with me for support and comfort through the process before surgery. I was not mentally prepared for that since Johns Hopkins in Baltimore allowed one care person but the other outpatient center in Bethesda does not. Those of you who had recent surgery done - were you allowed a care person with you or did you have to go at it by yourself? How was it?

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  • HearPeers Heroes

@Megan L.

I am sorry to hear this. Β People have been commenting about the same thing on social media sites.

What are you going to do?

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@Mary BethΒ 

Yeah I literally heard the record scratch on that one 😬 I feel like if I have to get a COVID test then they should just have the care person get one too this way you're both cleared. I'm not sure what will happen..... but I'm going to schedule everything and get my physical (which I have to get done anyways) and see how I feel in the weeks leading up to it. I can always cancel if I feel its not the right choice or time. I do know that it's extra mental preparation and I'm a very independent person! It just seems so daunting especially when you have a 50/50 shot of feeling terrible

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Oh no @Megan L.

So you can't have anyone enter the hospital with you? Then does that mean that they have to wait outside the hospital until you're wheeled out?Β 

I remember for my surgery when they called my name in the waiting room, I thought I would have seen my family again before the surgery but nope, I didn't see anyone until when I was in the recovery room.Β 

Is it that for your previous surgery someone was allowed into the room with you before you were wheeled into the preop room where they administer the anaesthesia? Just trying to understand.Β 

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Interesting @Megan L. My wife was required to be present with me before the surgery in the waiting area and was not allowed to leave the waiting area during the surgery; they wouldn't bring me in without her. I personally would've preferred her napping in the comfort of our car given she's eight months pregnant. This was at INOVA Fairfax so I guess the Maryland hospital systems have different ideas about things.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

@JewelΒ correct - no one but me is allowed into the hospital. The last time, my mom waited with me in pre-op until it was time to go into surgery then she went back into the waiting room and was later brought into the recovery room when they made me get out of the bed to sit in the chair. I wasn’t administered anesthesia until I was in the surgery room on the table and my I remember my last thought was β€œam I really doing this?!” 🀣 

@phobos512Β WOW. So interesting how different the protocols are one state away. I totally see your point about not wanting to expose your wife to any possible sickness 8 months pregnant. Hope you both are doing good πŸ‘

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@Megan L.

Wow, guess every hospital has different protocols. I went to two different rooms before taken to the operating room. One they had me change into my surgery outfit and lie down and wait. Then they wheeled me into another room to get the anaesthesia. By the time I was taken to the operating room I was only conscious for the transfer into another bed and then it was too late to change my mind as I was out like a light! πŸ˜‚Β 

I had wished I had known I was not gonna see my family after I left the waiting room. All in all I was by myself for 2 hours before the actual surgery. It wasn't too bad. At least you know what to expect. Of course you do what you're most comfortable with.Β 

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  • HearPeers Heroes

@JewelΒ OMG...I would have much preferred that. I walked myself into the operating room and laid down on the table.... that’s forever burned in my brain. And the walk from the pre op room to the operating room πŸ™„ seemed so long but it probably wasn’t! Β Yeah my mom calculated and I would be free sailing for roughly 6.5 hours, maybe more if I don’t feel good.

Yep, agreed. I will most definitely go with the force and what I feel good about. If I don’t feel good about it the week or a few days before, I will cancel

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  • HearPeers Heroes

@Megan L.

Walking up to the operating table? That would have freaked me out! πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚Β 

Is it the same surgeon who did the first ear who is gonna do this one?Β 

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@JewelΒ Yep! That was a first for me. I had to ask the nurse to repeat herself bc I didn’t think I heard her right!!!! It definitely freaked me out but the nurse held my hand and tried her best to calm me. She was wonderful. And yes, definitely going with the same surgeon. He did such a good job the first time I don’t trust anyone else! Plus it’s good luck πŸ€ or so I’m telling myself πŸ˜†

@Elbras where are you getting your other side done?

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42 minutes ago, Megan L. said:

@JewelΒ Yep! That was a first for me. I had to ask the nurse to repeat herself bc I didn’t think I heard her right!!!! It definitely freaked me out but the nurse held my hand and tried her best to calm me. She was wonderful. And yes, definitely going with the same surgeon. He did such a good job the first time I don’t trust anyone else! Plus it’s good luck πŸ€ or so I’m telling myself πŸ˜†

@Elbras where are you getting your other side done?

Medical Univ of South Carolina

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  • HearPeers Heroes

@Mary Beth and something that will be forever burned in your brain 🀣 The surgeries I had a a kid, they gave me medicine to make me sleepy and wheeled me into the operating room where I fell asleep very soon after.


@Elbras best wishes and good luck!

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1 hour ago, Megan L. said:

@Mary Beth and something that will be forever burned in your brain 🀣 The surgeries I had a a kid, they gave me medicine to make me sleepy and wheeled me into the operating room where I fell asleep very soon after.


@Elbras best wishes and good luck!

Thank you!

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@Megan L.,

They sprung that on me too; only this was whenΒ  I registered.Β 

My dad was able to come into the hospital with me, but once I went in for pre-op, he had to go to some distant waiting room, and I was on my own from then on.Β 

I didn't see him again until it was time to go; they wheeled me out to the waiting room; he wasn't allowed in the recovery room either. I was too drowsy anyway lol.Β 

It was definitely not what I expected, but when I heard it, I could understand why. Though I thought I would freak out, I was perfectly fine; I just chilled. All the nurses and staff were extremely friendly.

This is in Kentucky

Hope everything goes well for you 😍

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  • HearPeers Heroes

@tmscarlett10Β Wow they waited till the last minute to tell you? 😬 That’s rough. I understand why they have the protocol but it plain sucks! The lady that called said she MIGHT be able to get my mom cleared to sit in the cafeteria but no guarantees. If I do move forward with it, she’ll drop me off and wait at the hotel until I’m ready.Β 

That’s great you didn’t freak out!! I’d like to think I wouldn’t freak out but I’d definitely be nervous. Surgery is surgery!! Thank goodness for those nurses - they really hold everything together for us patients!Β 

I’m glad your surgery was a success 😁 When is activation?

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It's true that surgery is surgery.Β 

but two hours per ear isn't really much (try 8-hour brain surgery) πŸ˜‰

And yes, those nurses really are superheroes, especially during these times!Β 

If you could get your mom in, I'd definitely try. I can't drive, so I use a door-to-door transportation to get me to appointments, work, etc., and they could've taken me there and back home, but I was so out of it, even by the time I got in the car (I don't even remember getting dressed! πŸ˜‚); it was definitely good to have somebody stable next to me.Β 

Activation day is November 30. And I go back to work Monday.Β 

So excited!Β 

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No. I am unilateral for now.Β 

If all goes well, we will probably keep it that way; but we'll see.Β 

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  • HearPeers Heroes


Yeah 2 hours per ear isn’t bad but it will be my 4th ear surgery. I had two fistulas as a kid and they were 6 hour surgeries 😩 That experience stays with you especially when so much hearing was lost as a result. Wow you had brain surgery? Hope you are ok and doing better.Β 

I will definitely try to get my mom in but with COVID...it is what it is. I was also thinking just because right now they are not allowing extra people into the hospitalΒ doesn’t mean in December it will be the same protocol. We’ll see. The biggest thing last time was I was extremely sick throwing up and dizzy. So I definitely need help getting to the car and into it. I’d rather be sleepy though!!!

Activation is so close 😁Exciting times ahead πŸ‘

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How can they expect you to drive, after having surgery? Unless they keep you there for several hours after? Though, I don't see them doing that.Β 

Oh wow. Yeah, I can see how those memories would make you nervous. I'm sorry you had to go through that.Β 

I had a cancer tumor removed, and that is what caused my left ear to go - too close to the audial nerve. I was eight years old, 20 years ago. But I don't remember much from it,Β  nothing really. I do know I had family with me though, so I wasn't alone.Β 

All clear since every mri afterwards, so I'm here! πŸ˜ƒ

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