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What did things sound like on activation day for you?

Mary Beth

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My right side started off with static and beeps!  My left side started off with quiet marimba!


How did things sound to you on activation day?


@Laura C was recently activated 

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My first activation I did not hear voices only ringing when people were talking. I heard music but no voices singing 🤣

The second activation on Monday, was like a cartoon! I was laughing so hard. It sounded so funny I had to double check with my audiologist that I was switched on 🤪 Obviously yes. Music sounded like a cartoon as well and still kind of does. I’m basically living inside Looney Tuned for the time being 😆👍

Congrats on your activation @Laura C Hope you are having fun!

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Thanks, but fun...definitely not!  After my activation yesterday, I came home and cried.  It sounds like a high pitched whistling, kind of like a flute.  That's the same tone all the time, so I was upset that not only could I not differentiate any different sounds such as a human voice, but also that the same sound all the time is driving me out of my mind!

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@Laura C

I remember the first time I was doing rehab, it was the kid’s rehab so it was simple words and I couldn’t understand anything. And I started to cry because it was so frustrating and my mom was sitting across the table and told me it was ok and that it wouldn’t be like that forever. It gets better and we all have to start  somewhere 😊 Keep at it no matter how uncomfortable it feels right now. Sending you good vibes!!

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Although the voices didn’t sound very human, I did hear voices after my first activation. Also heard a lot of things I could have done without! My first mistake was unloading the dishwasher the day I was activated....definitely NOT a pleasant sound! It took me a while to be able to distinguish a male voice from a female voice, especially on t.v. @Laura C as @Megan L. said, we all have to start somewhere and it DOES get better so stick with it. Patience and perseverance are so important in getting through your rehab! Best of luck to you. Hang in there!

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First activation it was musical when my audiologist was speaking. It was like bells. On the way home I was able to pick out a few words on the radio. Listening to audiobooks and YouTube and movies with which I am familiar it quickly resolved into speech, but quiet. After a few adjustments I do pretty well on the tests but I still feel like I have difficulty with clarity in real life (realistically it's only been six months since the first and not three from the second so I have a loooong way to go). My last appointment which was my first follow-up with my left ear we did some frequency adjustments to my right (initial) ear to see if we could get some additional clarity but now that I've been out in the world with it a few weeks I don't notice much if any difference.

Second ear, my left, I had speech basically immediately, but quite (I believe it was @tmscarlett10 that asked about this in the soon to be bilateral thread). It's still quieter than my right ear and higher pitched but this could owe just as much to my not having the time to practice as much as anything else. Getting back to a more regular schedule again in a few weeks may (stress may) help with that. We'll see.

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@Laura C

When is your next appt with your audiologist?  I was scheduled for one week after activation.

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I went back in one week too with both my activations.
But @Laura C if that high pitch whistling doesn’t start to diminish, you might want to check in with your audiologist about it sooner than your next appointment.

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I’m not sure that the audiologist could help except provide guidance. My high pitched ringing was due to my brain never hearing at that frequency. I had to wait for my brain to sort it out which luckily was 2 days after activation. 

@Laura C I hope your high pitch whistling subsides soon. Force yourself to listen whenever you hear it, your brain is trying to figure out what it’s hearing. I heard the ringing terribly while watching tv but I sat through it and it helped. You got this 💪

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I heard beeps and everyone was a robot talking underwater. 

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11 hours ago, Kylie said:

I heard beeps and everyone was a robot talking underwater. 

This is an excellent description of what I heard after my first activation.  I called them "the beepies" but it was also somewhat reminiscent of Minnie Mouse.  I was glad when that went away!  And it will, it's part of learning to hear when the input goes to your brain via electronics instead of an eardrum and a cochlea.  My second activation wasn't quite as beepy but it wasn't normal voices either.  It all works out in the end!

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Thanks so much everyone!  I go back to the audiologist next Tuesday.  I have had to wear one aid to understand, because I have been working, but for the next 3 days, I will give just the CI a chance.  It is still just a whistling sound.

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Hang in there @Laura C and keep us posted.  Hopefully things will improve at your appointment on Tuesday!

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On activation day, I heard mainly really high pitched beeps that all sounded the same as well as feeling pressure sensations in my head where the beeps would be. Over time, the high pitched beeps became more real sounding than just beeps.  The pressure sensation became beeps and and then became more real sounds. It takes time and effort, but with practice and exercise, my brain is figuring things out. Go brain!

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Activation day I heard no actual words. It all sounded like alien sounds or something reminiscent of the Twilight Zone. It was overwhelming when I was in a crowd, hearing all these strange sounds. I think I started making out speech on day 3.

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On 1/17/2021 at 5:33 PM, Jewel said:

Activation day I heard no actual words. It all sounded like alien sounds or something reminiscent of the Twilight Zone. It was overwhelming when I was in a crowd, hearing all these strange sounds. I think I started making out speech on day 3.

And then, as I recall, you made really fast progress!

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  • HearPeers Heroes
12 minutes ago, Mary Featherston said:

And then, as I recall, you made really fast progress!

Yes you're right @Mary Featherston. My audi and surgeon were impressed. My audi had thought it may have taken me up to a year to make out speech. Glad that was not the case. 

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