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Feb/March/April 2019 CI surgery and/or activation

Mary Beth

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  • HearPeers Heroes

We have a group of members who recently had CI surgery or are scheduled for CI surgery.


Help us cheer you on.


Let us know your surgery date and/or activation date.  


Wishing you all the very best!

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Aww thanks for this. Still awaiting my letter with my surgery date! They said Feb or March so hopefully any day now I'll hear (pun intended). Will keep you updated!

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Very thoughtful @Mary Beth -

I was just wondering how @Monte is doing? I’m feeling much better and looking forward to my activation on the 20th. 

Doesn't look as if there is enough residual to use the acoustic attachment to my Sonnet. I knew that part was a gamble though.

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I'm doing great! Totally off all pain meds. Took my first shower and washed my hair yesterday. Just waiting until activation on the 21st. Looking to hear how @shaun does on his activation on the 20th.

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My implant date was Jan25th..my activation date was Feb6th!! I was hearing immediately on activation! I was SO thrilled! At first voices sounded a little like Donald duck,but during the visit voices became more normal.Im only 2 days out,and there are things to smooth out and to learn about my Sonnet.But I have to say,I'm on cloud 9 !!

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GraniPeggy! I am so excited for you! I hope that my experience is as wonderful as yours! I would love to hear something from you often regarding your progress. Keep us posted! I'm right behind you!....

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  • HearPeers Heroes

@GraniPeggy I think I'm envious.  My audiologist tells me that my results are really good, and it's a huge improvement over my ability to hear prior to implantation, but for the tinny and beepy sounds to start receding within an hour after activation?  It was WEEKS for me.

You go!  Man, but you've got this.  🙂

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Happy for you @GraniPeggy. Sounds like you had a Rock Star activation! Keep us posted about your progress 😊


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Thank you,Jewel,that's how it's feeling so far! I've sure been blessed,especially that my surgeon was Dr.Pillsbury,at UNC,Chapel Hill,N.C. He came highly recommended by my ent.

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MaryFeatherston, it may be because he implanted on the side where l had a little residual hearing? Not much,but some,which was aided by a hearing aid.(The other ear is just completely stone deaf.) I went out to a restaurant today,and l did note that in a crowd situation,esp voices from behind me,  there was some change,some of that Donald duck quality was back.lol I'm wondering if the fact that l can only hear from one side has something to do with that. I know l have a long way to go yet,and need to get more practice with different sounds,but l agree that I'm really blessed! I went into activation petrified it wasn't going to work for Me! 

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Hi Monte,I definitely will keep in touch here and of course this group is great support for me and my zillion questions! I went out to a restaurant today,a flea market and a dept.store...those places reminded me that though I'm hearing very well considering l couldn't hear before,but I have work to do to reach my full potential.Im going to start some online programs tomorrow,and keep working for the best results l can achieve! 

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Mary Beth,The audiologist gave me a list,which l don't have at hand now,but one was a Med El  one,and there was one l believe called Angel..hearing? I will post them here, tomorrow if you like,when l have the list in hand.

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Hi John L. congratulations for getting a surgery date. It's really a breeze. Plan for about a week of some discomfort, but not terrible. Maybe its because we have this huge hope of getting some hearing back. Just read how great @granniPeggy is doing and you will be stoked for your turn. I can't wait until my activation. Only 10 days away!

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  • HearPeers Heroes

My doctor said I can expect to take a week off work - my job is mostly office based, with some driving and large group meetings.

When I do get my date, I will have to rearrange some work things (like training days that I facilitate). So far I am planning on returning to normal work after a week...

Do you think this seems accurate, for those who have experienced the CI surgery?

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  • HearPeers Heroes

I took a week off and that worked great for me.

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@Kylie, my surgery was February 4th. I worked a couple hours on the 5th and 6th, (I can telecommute), but I was also excited to show off my ear bra on a video teleconference! LOL. By the 6th, I was totally off pain meds (not even Tylenol) and worked the full day. I think you are smart taking the week off. Then, if you feel up to it, you can go back to work a little early, and look like the superstar that you are!!

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  • HearPeers Heroes

@Kylie I took a week as well, on the recommendation of my surgeon.  I was fine well before the week was up but said what the heck and stayed home.


@Monte - ha, ear bra!  I was calling it my hubcap.

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