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Great August HP Virtual Coffee Chat

Mary Beth

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  • HearPeers Heroes

We enjoyed a great virtual HP coffee chat today.  We had 10 members participate.

@Kirk S.



@Dave in Pittsburgh


@Mary Featherston


@Megan L.


@Mary Beth


Great seeing everyone!  

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Here is the English as a second language document I mentioned.  It’s a great aural rehab activity.  I’m posting it as a picture.  Click on it to zoom in.

@Kirk S.




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  • HearPeers Heroes

Gus, really Artone 3 Max have a good choice. Al tough I didn't understand all, the voice of yours is more clear. No doubt it is a recommended gadget to your CI

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A very enjoyable chat...thanks, everyone! Looking forward to seeing all of you next month. Stay safe and healthy!

Thanks for all the links @Mary Beth!

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  • HearPeers Heroes

@Mary Featherston

Sure wish your mic worked.  I miss hearing your voice.  Glad you could participate via chat.

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It was great to see everyone. Apologies if I didn't participate much, as I was reading the captions and the txt messages!!!

I realised after we finished that I had a question for Valentin about rehab in spanish. Duh. But then thought  it maybe a bit rude as it may not resonate with everyone .

Stay safe and hear from you all next month!!

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  • HearPeers Heroes


Feel free to ask anything you wish during a chat.

You can also reach out to @Valentin here and ask your rehab in Spanish question 

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  • HearPeers Heroes


I lost your link to the adjustable bike helmets.  Will you post it here please?  Thanks

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Great seeing everyone!!! Thanks for posting all the links @Mary Beth 😁 Now I can get started on creating a skin for my Sonnet!

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  • HearPeers Heroes
57 minutes ago, Mary Beth said:


I lost your link to the adjustable bike helmets.  Will you post it here please?  Thanks


I found them by doing a search for cochlear implant bicycle helmets. I believe it's all their models, come with multiple padding layers in different locations so you can adjust the fit to account for a CI processor. And to be clear I don't have personal experience so if you do try this make sure it's returnable if it doesn't work. Your LBS (local bike store) is always a best bet for being able to try stuff on.

Thank you for the IP rating Mary Beth for some reason I am unable to do @s from my phone today...

It occurs to me I did have one question I forgot about. All the registration paperwork that I received - is there a method to submit it digitally? Some look like they've been printed from a website and one mentions return by email but I want to make sure.


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  • HearPeers Heroes


Thanks for the helmet link.

I mailed my registration in via the postal service.  You can email Med-El US customer service and ask about submitting by email though if you are interested.

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  • HearPeers Heroes


We missed you.  Hope you are safe from the hurricane and have power.

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  • HearPeers Heroes


Now I'm worried about @Jewel - hope you're OK!

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Lots of the islands got hit hard by this storm.  Sending @Jewel our best wishes!

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  • HearPeers Heroes

@Mary Beth

@Mary Featherston

Sorry that I was unable to join today. I woke up late and then I had a jam-packed day.

We weren't affected by the hurricane. Just a lot of rain at times. 


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@Jewel phew !! Glad you were not affected. Lucky you with the rain!! We need it here. 3 hrs after the August chat with every one, there was a smell ( so I'm told) and eerie sky , there had been a fire 15 km from where we live!!! But then we are in the month when fires strikes.

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